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Chapter VIII

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Financial Guidelines/Policies

As Of


Welcome to the Police Unity Tour with Chapter VIII from your Treasurer. The Treasurer’s job for the Chapter covers a multitude of responsibilities. However, the most important is to ensure that all financial business of the Chapter is conducted in accordance with local, State and Federal law in order to maintain our Charitable Organization status and ability to raise funds as a 501-c-3 Organization.

This is an FAQ of the financial guidelines, policies and financial situations that you might encounter during payment and fundraising. While as inclusive as possible, you may experience a unique financial situation or question that is not covered. Dealing with those situations sooner rather than later will ensure;

·         Chapter Charitable Status is protected

·         You receive credit for the funds you raise

·         Our Donors are provided the documentation required by law

·         Your/Our Donors receive the proper recognition

·         You receive the correct support and documents needed to raise funds


Membership in the Chapter will hover around 250 this year. If you have questions about fundraising, special events, charitable status, employer sponsored gifts or matching gifts, etc., use this FAQ and the Chapter website first, before you reach out for support. Most situations are covered here.

Q:        Who is responsible for reporting donations to the IRS?

A:        Police Unity Tour of Florida, Inc., dba Police Unity Tour Chapter VIII

The funds raised and donations to support the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Museum by members of the Police Unity Tour of Florida, dba Police Unity Tour Chapter VIII (Chapter), a 501-c-3 are the property and responsibility of the Chapter. Individual members are not responsible for reporting the donations or funds as income. Therefore:

1.      A team or individual may not hold, retain or divert donations raised using the tax-exempt status of PUT Chapter VIII to cover travel, equipment, events, individual reimbursements or any other cost benefiting an individual member or team.

2.      Individual travel by vehicle, airline, bus, boat or train is not reimbursable.

3.      Lodging, meals, bike parts/tires/shipping/clothing, helmets, supplements and other miscellaneous expenses are not reimbursable, nor can donations be diverted to cover these expenses.

4.      Funds provided by an individual or corporation for use as noted in 2-4 above are outside  the tax-exempt status, the donations are not tax deductible to the donor and must be reported as income by the an individual receiving the funds including equipment, merchandise, etc. on their tax return to the IRS unless the provider identifies the money or material as a gift.

Q:        Is there a minimum fundraising goal for each member?

A:        Yes $2,250

Once you have been accepted as a member of PUT Chapter VIII (Chapter) start raising funds to meet the minimum $2,250 required of each member. If you will want to reach out to potential donors electronically. The only Chapter approved online fundraising partner is Frontstream/Panorama. Set up an online Frontstream/Panorama Account. Go to 

A:  Third-party fundraising services are (either prohibited or strongly discouraged BOD choice) due to the fact that they lack direct support for the member or receiving party, funds may take up to 90-days to transfer, and verifying reception of funds by the member to the Chapter may not include fees or other costs that reduce the donated amount. (If the BOD decides to permit third-party fundraising the following will apply)

  1. The member is solely responsible for the transfer of funds to the Chapter
  2. Any disputes with donors or the third-party provider is not the responsibility of the Chapter to be resolved
  3. No funds will be credited to the member's spreadsheet account until the funds have been deposited to the Chapter account 
  4. Notify the Treasurer of the name of the third-party service
  5. Provide the schedule of benefit payment (when can donations be expected to arrive) 
  6. Provide the method of payment (direct deposit or check) 
  7. Direct deposit needs to be approved by the Chapter in advance of any transfer of funds

Q:        How do I receive credit for the donations I receive or the funds I raise?

A:        By Using a Sponsor Receipt Form with every donation.

A member must provide all off-line donors with a “Sponsor Receipt” located under the Forms, By-Laws and Policies. The member or donor will fill this out and include it with the donation mailed to the Chapter. All Frontstream/Panorama donations are transferred by the Chapter to the Official Fundraising Spreadsheet.

Q:        Are all donations tallied so I know my total donation amount to-date?

A:        Yes.

At the Chapter website, on the fundraising tab, there is a Fundraising Spreadsheet. Click on the tab to see a roster of all individual and team members fund raising totals.

Q:        Who should donation checks be made out to?

A:        The Police Unity Tour of Florida, Inc. or Police Unity Tour Chapter VIII. and mailed to P.O. Box 1630 Windermere, FL 34786

Q:        Do we accept cash?

A:        Any cash you accept as a donation will have to be deposited to your personal account and a check mailed to the Chapter. It is OK to combine several cash donations in one personal check. Fill out a member donation form to accompany the check. Make a spreadsheet (hand-written or computer) and keep for your records.

Q:        How does a Donor get a receipt for a donation?

A:        Donation made on Frontstream/Panorama automatically receive a receipt. Donations of $250 or more by other than Frontstream/Panorama will receive a printed receipt from the Chapter. Other donations under $250 are not required by law to receive a receipt. However, if a donor requests a receipt, they must be given one. Print your receipts from the Chapter website to honor those requests.

Q:        What if a donor asks for a W-9 Taxpayer Number and Identification form?

A:        Contact the Treasurer at Provide the donor’s name or business, address, telephone number and email contact. A completed W-9 will be emailed back to you or the donor if an email contact is provided.

Q:        A donor asked for proof of the Chapter tax-exempt status and registration with the State of Florida to collect funds as a charity. Where are those located?

A:        Donors can use the IRS’s database of 501(c)3 organizations or check the Chapter website for those documents.

Q:        Does the Chapter take matching gifts?

A:        Yes.

If a member has an employer sponsored gift/donation match program, the member MUST;

  1.  Notify the Treasurer of the name of the employer or benefactor
  2.  Provide the name of the matching service provider that the employer or benefactor utilizes (Bank of America Employee Direct, Benevity, Wachovia Foundation, Good Done Great Giving Programs Center, Cybergrant + company name are some examples)
  3. Provide the schedule of benefit payment (when can donations be expected to arrive) 
  4. Provide the method of payment (direct deposit or check) 
  5. Direct deposit needs to come from one of the providers with which the Chapter is registered

Q: Do donations over certain amounts receive special recognition?

A: Yes

If a member receives a donation of $1,000 or higher via check or First Giving, it is the member’s responsibility to notify the Second Vice President, Christian Collier. This is especially important if the donor makes two or more donations that total $1,000 or more (often Fraternal Organizations or small business handle donations in this fashion). The notice to the 2nd VP must include the following:

  1. The name, address, email and telephone number of the Donor
  2. The amount of the donation 
  3. Contributors of $1,000 or more will receive recognition via a method determined by the BOD and distributed through the member who is the recipient of the $1,000 donation
  4. If the donation exceeds $10,000, the BOD will work with the member and the donor for a second level or recognition to be determined
  5. Members that do not make this notification may forfeit the recognition benefit

Q:        I want to have an event to raise my minimum donation. Is there anything special I need to do?

A:        Yes

There are specific rules from the IRS for Charities that hold special events. A “fundraiser” (special event, activity, ride, bar night, golf tournament, donut dash, etc.) must be accounted for separately when our tax report is filed. A spreadsheet must be provided to the Treasurer listing separately entry fees, costs/expenses, sponsorships, gross income, in-kind donations and included when check(s) for the event are sent to the Chapter. All receipts for event/fundraiser expenses must accompany. No expenses for the event are paid for by the Chapter.

ALERT! If you are considering having a raffle, check the law in the State where you are going to hold the raffle for specific laws, regulations and reporting. The Chapter is NOT responsible for conducting or reporting funds raised by individual members to any State.

Some special events may require certificates of insurance. Contact the Treasurer for information, .

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